Basic Medical Care for Dogs and Horses

A number of animal species have proven themselves highly useful for humanity, whether as livestock or as work animals. Horses and dogs, in particular, have been historically useful work animals, along with oxen, and even today they perform a variety of jobs. Horses are no longer used for regular transport, but they can be bred and ridden as a hobby, and horse races and horse show are common. Dogs are most often kept as pets, though some breeds are perfect for work, ranging form hunting companions to dug and bomb-sniffing dogs and search and rescue dogs (often German Shepherds). So, it may not be surprising that the field of animal medicine often deals with horses and dogs in particular, and historically, horse doctors were very important people. Without healthy horses, farms could not function, and neither could armies. Not all cases of animal injury call for surgery, though; often, dog leg wraps, dog hock braces, and ankle brace socks are sufficient to help a pet or working dog recover. Horses can get similar treatment, such as calf braces and fleece blankets.
Taking Care of Horses
Horses are no longer typically used as war mounts of carriage pullers, but many farms and ranches are home to these animals, and their owners have a great interest in keeping them healthy. It may be obvious when a horse is wounded, but what about internal injuries? A horse owner may notice changes in the horse’s behavior, such as if it refuses to allow riders or baggage to be placed on it, or if it constantly shifts its weight from one leg to another. A horse might be experiencing a muscle sprain, a bone fracture, or a swollen joint or even arthritis, and a horse doctor should be contacted right away.
A horse doctor may soon diagnose the animal, and recommend that certain products be used to aid in its recovery. For example, a horse with a fractured or broken leg can have the bone set, then have a splint and bandages applied to it, not to mention leg and shoulder braces. Wraps and braces can also be used to help keep swelling down and help a horse recover from muscle sprains. Overall, the idea is to prevent any more distress to the affected area while also allowing the horse to maintain full mobility. A horse may walk and trot comfortably while still in recovery, both for the horse’s own sake and so the owner can move the horse around as needed.
Dog Leg Wraps and Other Treatments
Domestic dogs and cats are well taken care of and may not face the same hazards that strays do, but still, injuries are possible. For example, a dog may get hit by a glancing blow from a car or motorcycle, or it may get into a fight with a stray dog, or it may fall from a height and fracture a bone. In other cases, a dog may get its hock joint (like the human wrist) caught on something while running, and this can injure its paw. Old dogs, meanwhile, face the risk of arthritis, which is far from exclusive to people. Many old pets are known to develop arthritis.
So, a dog owner may take their pet to the vet clinic or an animal hospital, and among other treatments, the pet may get dog leg wraps or even leg braces put on. Like horse wraps and braces, these dog leg wraps and other accessories prevent any further distress to the affected area during recovery, so the pet can still stand and walk safely. This maintains a pet’s mobility, and leg or ankle wraps can help prevent excessive swelling while splints and braces can help with a fractured or broken bone. Meanwhile, a dog recovering form injury may be provided with a therapeutic dog bed, which is especially thick and can easily accommodate the dog’s body and conform to it. This prevents any undue pressure on the dog’s affected leg or joint and allows it to rest in comfort, as opposed to laying on a hard floor, for example. Such dog beds can also be placed in a carrying kennel or cage during transport, too.