Do You Own A Saltwater Aquarium? Consider Adding Favia Coral

Saltwater aquariums are wonderful additions to any living space. While fish can be beautiful on their own, adding coral into the mix can help create a truly gorgeous arrangement. If you are new to caring for corals, ultron favia coral is a good place to start.
Favia Coral
This saltwater coral is one of the most commonly found corals in both nature and in saltwater aquariums. These corals tend to grow in round colonies, and display a variety of colors such as yellow, brown, and green; however, they can also be found in red, orange, and blue varieties. Installing actinic lights can help further bring out the true vibrance of these colors. These lights have relatively short wave lengths, can can help induce photochemical reactions.
How To Care For Favia Coral
Favia coral is a good choice for both beginners and expert saltwater aquarium owners; however, since these corals come from various depths and natural habitats, a bit of experimentation may be required in order to truly make them flourish. This isn’t something to panic over though, as these corals are very hardy, meaning you won’t have to worry about killing them off if things are one hundred percent optimal at the start.
Light And Current
Favia coral is capable of living in both bright to moderate light, so finding a happy medium won’t be difficult. As long as they’re not kept in the dark, you won’t have to worry about them too much.
In terms of what current they prefer, a moderate flow should suit them just fine. If the tank flow is too great it can prevent polyp expansion and even cause damage over time. Additionally, creating a circular flow current, with the coral just out of the direct flow, has shown favorable results as well.
While this coral doesn’t necessarily need to be fed, feeding can speed up its growth process. Favia coral are feeding when it’s tentacles are spread out. This is a good visual sign to introduce food such as krill, brine shrimp, and mysis. However, make sure the pieces are small enough for the polyps to be able to take in.
Additional Requirements
This type of coral has a larger coral skeleton, and as such requires a lot of calcium to thrive. Keep an eye on these levels to ensure it has a sufficient enough amount to continue to grow. Keep in mind that higher than normal levels will not speed the growth process, but can likely cause additional problems. Using a calcium reactor can help you monitor levels, which should usually be between 400ppm and 420ppm.
An Easy But Beautiful Addition
Favia coral is an excellent addition to saltwater aquariums. Whether you are just starting out, or have owned a tank for years, this coral has a lot to offer. And, since these corals are plentiful in nature, you don’t have to worry about potentially impacting any ecosystems. You can even buy coral online, which can be handy if you don’t have a store near you that sells them. If you are looking to add extra beauty you your saltwater aquarium, favia coral may be exactly what you are looking for.