The Costs of Owning a New Puppy

Choosing to open your home to a new puppy is an exciting and adventurous opportunity. You will have a new member of the family to care for and that will provide you with entertainment and love. However, puppies are also a responsibility. It is important to be aware of the costs and tasks that are associated with a new puppy. These same responsibilities will last for many years, for the life of the puppy and it is always best to consider these responsibilities before bringing home that new puppy.
Food costs
Your puppy, just like your children, needs to eat. It also needs a healthy and balanced diet. It will require finding the right food to match its digestive and weight needs. Also, depending on the specific health of dog breeds and the breed that you choose, it may require puppy food for specific diet restrictions. These foods can get expensive. It is also important to take size expectations of your puppy into regard. Some puppies grow to be very large, thus requiring greater amounts of food. The U.S. spends $20.46 billion on pet food each year.
Vaccination costs
Pets, just like humans, also require vaccinations to prevent costly and harmful diseases. A new puppy requires multiple sets of new vaccinations, and then those same vaccinations need to be repeated every year. Receiving vaccinations requires a visit to the local animal care center, which also usually includes an office visit. Some adoption centers offer adoptions with vaccinations already completed, but it is important to remember that they will still require them yearly.
Medical costs
Pets can be met with sicknesses and injuries. When these things occur, medical care is required. Health care for animals can get very expensive, especially since many pet owners do not consider pet health insurance. The U.S. spends $12.56 billion on pet supplies and over the counter medicine each year. Medications may also be needed for the life of the puppy, to correct medical conditions.
Boarding costs
Your pet will require attention and care, even when you are too busy to provide it. If you work long hours or are constantly traveling for work, you will want to consider the boarding options for your pet. It is never a good idea to leave your puppy alone for long periods of time, especially when they are still house training or getting used to their new surroundings. Even older pets will require regular attention and exercise. Frequent boarding does get pricey. However, not every pet owner has close family or friends that they can trust to the care of their pet.
Pets, especially dogs enjoy exercising and running. Larger dogs need more room to run. Smaller dogs still need time outdoors and an area large enough to run in. Consider your living arrangement and the space requirements of the pet you are interested in. More active of dog breeds will show more signs of restlessness if they are cramped in a small apartment and their pet care will suffer.
Your new dog will require regular and consistent training. Training makes the pet more comfortable in their new home and makes the adjustment to pet ownership for everyone involved. However, some breeds and pets are more difficult to train. They may require more time and patience. Some pet owners may choose to work with a local puppy training class, but will have to factor in the costs of these classes. You will also want to consider the amount of time that you have available to train a new puppy. Sometimes it may be a better option to adopt an older dog who is already trained.
Approximately 46.3 million U.S. households have a dog. Dogs require a lot of patience and responsibility, but they provide you with unconditional love and companionship. If you do the proper research, pick a dog that fits you and your family?s needs, and factor in the costs of a new puppy, you will find that it is one of the best decisions you have ever made. Be realistic with your expectations and consider things like pet insurance for the easiest transition to pet ownership.