Use These Three Pet Tips to Form an Even Closer Bond with Your Pet

Did you know that about 46% of U.S. households have a dog, and 39% have a cat? Pets are often an important part of our lives. Studies show that 90% of people treat pets as members of the family. For this reason especially, it is important to understand the basics of pet care. Here are three all encompassing pet tips that will help you and your pets get along together even better.
1. Pet Safety Tips
One thing you can do to help your pet steer clear of danger is to remove dangerous items from where they can be eaten. Both cats and dogs might accidentally consume, for example, rat poison, especially if it is left next to a tasty ingredient. For cats, one of the biggest dangers is exposure to ethylene glycol containing antifreeze. A single lick can cause kidney failure and death, and up to 10,000 cats and dogs die from it every year. The next most common ingestion issues are prescription drugs, insecticides and people food. Again, keep it out of reach, and read up on what human foods are unsafe for your pet.
2. Pet Photography Tips
It could be said that most pets are naturally photogenic, and, like babies, we are all convinced that our pet is the cutest that ever lived. For even better photos, though, use natural light rather than a flash, keep a sharp focus on the eyes, and try and capture pets in their element, rather than attempting to get a squirming cat to sit still and look at the camera. National Geographic pet photography tips include keeping the background simple, and getting close and low.
3. Pet Training Tips
Did you know that mythology about werewolves likely emerged during the Middle Ages? Human survival at this point was more important than dog owning, and abandoned dogs would roam and hunt in packs along the edges of villages. Any pet is trainable, but remember that animals have instincts you do not, so be patient. If the cat jumps on a table, spritz it with a water spray bottle. If the dog jumps on a guest, tell them to lie down. Simply saying no can sometimes be confusing since the dog is not sure which part of the action you are negating.
Do you have additional pet care tips? Let us know in the comments!