The Best Methods for Taking Care of Your Chickens

When it comes to taking care of animals, there’s nothing quite like taking care of chickens. They certainly are quirky, intelligent and strange animals with a lot of hidden personality. But, perhaps because of this, it can be difficult to take care of them. A lot of time and care has to be invested in raising chickens but the rewards are pretty great, if you’re willing to put in the effort. There are so many little factors that go into properly raising and taking care of chickens that it can get a little overwhelming at first. So long as you take a step back and look at each part of the bigger, it’s not so bad. What follows is a list of small tips and tricks of how best to take care of your chickens, the where’s, why’s and when’s. Taken in separate parts, each aspect of chicken-raising becomes easy to follow and manage. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you just know where and how to look.
- Locations and Places
The best place to start, if course, where the chickens live. A lot of farming or equipment stores will have nesting boxes for sale. Pick the one that’s right for the number and size of the chickens you have. The right amount and structure of chicken coop nesting boxes is crucial. Next, after you purchase your chicken coop nesting boxes, is to find the right shelter. Place the nest box or nest boxes within a shelter specially designed for the chickens. They have these on an industrial scale, of course, but for individual chicken-farming you’ll want something a little less massive. A nice hut or shelter will do. Once the chicken nesting box is secure, you’ll want to weatherproof your chicken-house. If you live in a rural area, you’ll also want to secure your chicken nesting boxes against any outside predatory animals such as coyotes or foxes. These animals are sly and can slip through cracks you might not otherwise notice. Be careful and you should be fine. Just remember to be vigilant in sealing the shelter up tight.
Food and Space
Fortunately, chickens aren’t too recreational when compared to the rest of household birds. As long they have free space to move around, they should be fine. This activity is a critical and underrated part of raising chickens and shouldn’t be neglected. Chicken coop nesting boxes are where they stay but it’s not where they live. Active chickens are healthy chickens, live active people are healthy people. Be sure to feed them the right type and amount of food as well. Chicken feed is relatively inexpensive and available at most farming and pet stores. Also make sure there’s enough to go around so the chickens don’t fight. Just try not to give them too much. Like most birds, chickens like to have a little extra food and space. They don’t do well in enclosed spaces. Massive factory farms squeeze chickens in with little room to spare which is fairly cruel any way you look at it. Keep your chickens out and about, with enough room to stretch their legs. Chickens don’t need to roam like cows or horses, of course, but they will be happier and physically healthier if they have that space. Don’t forget it.
Egg Safety
Chickens lay a lot of eggs as well. That’s why the right type of chicken coop nesting boxes are so important. You’ll want, and the mother chicken will want, to keep the eggs in safe, protected and warm space. Laying down hay and other protective materials is a must. Keep an eye on all your female chickens to make sure that no eggs are being neglected. Once the chicks are hatched, reinforce the fence to doubly protect against any predators. They can sense weakness and will hone in on the chicks. Don’t let this happen. Be proactive in your protection and you, your chickens and their chicks will be more than safe. They’ll be able to thrive right where they are.