Author: Veterinarian Review

  • 6 Ways To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

    How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing If your dog is anything like mine, chewing is a problem. I can’t tell you how many times my little guy tied tearing his chew proof dog beds a new one. The good news is that there are ways to mitigate and put a stop to this type…

  • Do You Own A Saltwater Aquarium? Consider Adding Favia Coral

    Saltwater aquariums are wonderful additions to any living space. While fish can be beautiful on their own, adding coral into the mix can help create a truly gorgeous arrangement. If you are new to caring for corals, ultron favia coral is a good place to start. Favia Coral This saltwater coral is one of the…

  • What You Should Know To Keep Your Pets In Good Health

    If you’re a pet owner, you’re in good company. Pets are incredibly popular all throughout the United States and it’s certainly no real surprise as to why. After all, pets of all kinds can bring a great deal of joy into the lives of their owners. Through pets, many people find happiness, find peace, and…

  • Why Does My Dog Have Joint Problems?

    Being a good dog owner doesn’t just mean getting the best food and toys that money can buy — it also means keeping an eye on your dog’s physical health. A dog can’t tell you that it’s in discomfort, though there are usually certain “tells” that will give away the problem. In a dog swollen…

  • Taking Care of Your Family Pets From Spaying and Neutering to Oral Hygiene

    Taking Care of Your Family Pets  From Spaying and Neutering to Oral Hygiene

    In order to ensure that family cats and dogs are in good health, it’s important to take them for regular visits to the veterinarian. In addition to being spayed and neutered, both cats and dogs need regular wellness check-ups along with other types of preventative care. This includes ensuring that a pet’s oral hygiene is…

  • Joint Support for Animals and Humans

    Joint care is important for all living creatures. Whether it’s us or our dogs and horses, it is a crucial part of staying active and healthy. Below we will go over the importance of caring for your joints and some different products you can buy to assist in the process, such as thermal knee supports.…

  • Tips for a Better Experience When You Travel With Your Emotional Support Animal

    It is all too easy for people to make jokes about individuals who have emotional support animals but the comfort they give is no laughing matter. That is a big deal in today’s world. At least 40 million American adults suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder. Nearly 35% of the United States suffer from…

  • Finding the Right Way to Care for Your Pet Can Help You Create a Happy Home

    Finding the right care for an injured animal or pet is important. From purchasing the right horse neck cover for an animal that is not feeling well to getting the care that you need with canine leg wraps, there are many materials that can help you care for your animals if you work with the…

  • Heartworm Affects Millions Of Dogs And Cats Every Year When To Get A Heartworm Test Done

    Taking care of a cat or dog is a big responsibility. Are you prepared? You know you need to dog or cat-proof your home and make sure they won’t be able to ingest or interact with anything potentially toxic. You’ve set aside time in your weekly schedule to play with them or take them for…

  • 5 Warning Signs Your Cat Might Have Fleas

    Throughout the United States, many people own either cats or dogs. Considering that, it’s important to do everything possible to keep your pets as healthy as possible. You’ve likely heard about animals being susceptible to fleas. Statistics show that the average female flea is able to lay nearly 2,000 eggs throughout her lifetime. Considering that,…